In 1973, you had little choice; today you have every choice.
For Peter Hay and the Peter Hay brand, this is our home. New Zealand made means everything to us. We are proud of our heritage and our achievements over four decades speak for themselves. Being New Zealand made is a big part of our achievements. Made in New Zealand means we can control everything. A well-established brand means we will be here tomorrow.
Majority of our raw materials are sourced from locally grown forests. Materials are machined locally and sold locally. This truly is, made in New Zealand.
Employment of the local community is another big reason for Peter Hay to continue his reinvestment back into the business. This reinvestment also cycles back into the local economy in our dealing with local suppliers. These suppliers are strategically located close by to minimise the transport, ensuring a healthy environment.
Find out more about the Buy NZ Campaign.

Our suppliers are certified and use best practices for manufacturing of their products. The certifications are globally recognised and make sure Peter Hay offerings do not generate any harmful emissions. Like all raw material sourcing, regeneration of supply is critical. Materials are sourced from Green Building Council New Zealand certified suppliers and are ISO14001 accredited. Some of our environmental policies are:
- Where possible materials are sourced from only locally grown forests. Forests have a regeneration plan.
- Logistically we worked with mainly local suppliers, thus reducing our CO2 emissions.
- For out sourced logistics, trucks only travel full. No return trips are made empty.
- Our cardboard packaging is semi recycled from new and then recycled once used.
- Raw material waste is 100% recycled where possible.
- Dust is disposed at a landfill.
- We promote cleaning of kitchens with warm mild soapy water, applied with a damp cloth.